Episode 6 – How To Start Your Own Disruptive Environmental Business – Jay Clouse, Unreal Collective and Upside.fm

Happy New Year Everyone!

For many people, the new year means new starts, new goals, trouser sizes…… I don’t know why we can’t just decide suddenly on a random Friday evening in front of the TV that we want to do something different but instead use an arbitrary point chosen on a calendar that is 100s of years old, but its fine, I won’t judge you.

Over the past few days I’ve seen many people on the twitter vowing to change behaviours to better the environment which is great, we’ve touched on this in the last couple of episodes this kind of stuff and they are right to shout about it and encourage others to join them. But as you hopefully know by now, as important as these little things are, I’m about being a little more disruptive than that. I believe that if we are to get the environment to a better state innovation will play a big part in that.

Ok so let me set the scene. You’re sitting around the Christmas dinner table and after a few glasses of wine you start talking about the environment (I hope you all did this after the last episode) and suddenly you have a eureka moment. An app that will cut down food waste. The family all agree and love the idea, you look online and nothing similar exists. The next day comes and you realise the idea is too complicated and difficult and so you decide not to bother.

Well this story wasn’t about me but similar incidents have occurred in the past, I’ve just felt too intimidated by the world of ‘business’ to do anything. Well, I’m going to step into territories today which often don’t get spoken about in environmental circles and I want to change that because I reckon there are a lot of people out there with potentially world-changing ideas who just don’t know how to get started.

My interviewee today is Jay Clouse. Multiple time business owner. Startup mentor. And arguably most importantly; podcast host of Upside.fm a podcast which looks at startups outside of the sacred silicon valley. To get some insights and tips into how to start a business particularly if your idea is a bit out there and tries to tackle a seemingly huge and daunting environmental problem.

This episode might not be for everyone but I’m trying to do things a bit differently as you know and if I can help just one of you listening to start a business that saves the planet then that’ all that really matters.


You can find Jay on twitter @jayclouse and check out his (much better than mine) podcast @upsidefm or at upside.fm

If you want to check out his online accelerator or want more information go to jayclouse.com or unrealcollective.com

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