Here are some blog articles relating to environmental problems so you know what you need to solve!
Are Cruise Ships More Polluting Than Planes?
The travel industry is one of the worst offenders to environmental pollution and projections show that it is likely to continue growing. Planes and cruise ships are popular holiday modes of transport, but do people consider how polluting their choices are? Luckily we...
The Effects of Soil Erosion on the Environment (Causes, Effects and Solutions)
What is soil erosion? Before we start, it is worth pointing out that soil erosion is an entirely natural process that has occurred on planet earth for millions of years. ‘Erosion’ is an all-encompassing term for the geological process where natural...
How long does your garbage take to decompose or break down?
Today we live in what many are referring to as a ‘disposable society’. A world in which we buy things almost every day with the intention of using them once and throwing them away. In America alone, the average citizen produces 4.4 pounds of waste, in various...
How does pollution affect biodiversity?
Pollution is a word that gets used a lot in relation to environmental impacts. Most frequently people are referring to pollution of the air or water but the word actually covers any form of contaminant that enters the natural environment and causes unwanted effects....
How Does Littering Affect The Environment? (and a few solutions)
Littering has become a global epidemic, as we live in a society that values items less and less and are sold an increasing number of products designed to be used once and then discarded. But despite looking untidy what are the bigger implications for the...
Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture
What is aquaculture? Aquaculture, sometimes referred to as fish farming or seafood farming is the creation of various systems by humans to produce seafood for consumption, usually at a large scale. These systems allow conditions to be controlled...
10 Environmental Impacts of Tourism
According to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation international tourist arrivals have risen from 25 million a year in 1950 to 1.4 billion a year now. An increase of over 50 times in under 70 years. This is just international arrivals too and does not take...
Are GMOs good or bad for the environment?
The subject of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has become so controversial that it sometimes seems like we are beyond the point of rational conversation. The opposition to this way of producing crops for food has become so ingrained in the philosophy of many...
6 devastating impacts of e-waste and what we can do about it
Relative to other environmental problems, the problem of e-waste is a relatively new phenomenon, with personal electronic devices only having been around for the past half a century. Despite this, it is a growing environmental problem that shows no signs of slowing...