Episode 33 – The Duolingo of Climate Action – Applying Cognitive Science To Climate Tech

In this week’s episode I chat to Pooja Paul the founder of Habitable Earth. Habitable Earth plans to be the ‘Duolingo of Climate Action’ combining the best scientific insights about human behavior with the power of immersive gameplay to make planet-friendly lifestyle choices easy, fun and rewarding

Habitable Earth’s mission is to empower the growing majority of climate-concerned consumers worldwide to meaningfully contribute to the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, while improving health, saving money, and having a bit of fun.

Pooja is a fascinating person bringing a global perspective after spending parts of her life in India, the US and the UK. As you will hear in the episode she studied and researched in the field of cognitive science before making the leap into climate tech, which brings a fascinating perspective.

We cover a lot of topics including the importance of habits, the perception gap, the intention-action gap and much more besides.

Useful Links:

Rad Rabbit (the 5 a day app Pooja mentions)


Regeneration – Paul Hawken

Tiny Habits – BJ Fogg

Atomic Habits – James Clear

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